I am interested in the intersection of music and politics at the French court of ca. 1500–1530, with a focus on the fashioning of royal and popular identity and the influence of ecclesiastico-constitutional discourse in political institutions on musical function and performance context. Particular areas of focus include the musical patronage and influence of Anne of Brittany, and the works of composer Mathieu Gascongne in the court of Francis I.
My work has been supported by a 2021–22 Fulbright Advanced Research fellowship (extended by a King Arthur Peters Award) and funding from the CRIM Project of Haverford College and the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance in Tours, with additional studies at the Conservatoire de Paris. My DMA thesis (“‘Musica, cur siles?’ Sounding the Funeral of Anne of Brittany”) at The Juilliard School, advised by Thomas Forrest Kelly, received the Richard F. French Award for outstanding dissertation work.
Listen: La musique autour des funérailles d'Anne de Bretagne (France Musique radio broadcast)
Read: Network, ritual, and strife in Claudin de Sermisy’s Missa plurium motettorum (CRIM Project, Haverford College/Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance)
Talks and papers given
Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (Munich, Germany), July 2023
AMS-SEM-SMT 2022 Joint Annual Meeting (New Orleans, USA), November 2022
Paper presented: Music and protocol at the funeral of Anne of Brittany
The Juilliard School, Forum lecture series (New York, USA), January 2023
Invited speaker: “Musica, cur siles?”: Music as chronicle for the funeral of Anne of Brittany
CRIM/CESR (Haverford College; Pennsylvania, USA), October 2022
Paper presented: Sermisy’s Missa Plurium motettorum, monarchy, and network
Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (Uppsala, Sweden), July 2022
Paper presented: Mathieu Gascongne, enigma of the French court
Columbia University Global Centers/Fulbright (Paris, France), June 2022
Invited lecture-performance: Making Anne: myth & music at a funeral
Die Motette im deutschen Sprachraum, 1500–1550 (Universität für Musik; Vienna, Austria), June 2022
Paper presented: Gascongne abroad: Questions of function and attribution
Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (Lisbon, Portugal), July 2021
Paper presented: Gascongne’s Christus vincit and the politics of sacred ceremony
Photo by Samuel DeCaprio for the Arazzo Music Festival